IAOMT loqosu Dental Merkuri Tənzimləyicisi

Dr. Fischer Konqresdən əvvəl ifadə verdi

On Tuesday, July 8, 2008, the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing to examine the adequacy of regulations on mercury discharge from dental offices.  IAOMT's  Richard Fischer, DDS, FAGD, MIAOMT testified. View Article: Dr. Fischer Testifies Before Congress

Dr. Fischer Konqresdən əvvəl ifadə verdi2018-01-19T16:22:55-05:00

IAOMT-un FDA-ya Cavabları, 2008

In response to the FDA's call for public comment in regard to its intention to finally classify pre-encapsulated dental amalgam, the IAOMT submitted two papers in its own name. One was a paper from the Scientific Advisory Board setting out the latest research that indicts amalgam as an unacceptably risky source of mercury exposure.  The [...]

IAOMT-un FDA-ya Cavabları, 20082018-01-19T16:20:58-05:00

 Dental Amalgam Tənzimləmə İqtisadiyyatı 

Michael D. Fleming, DDS i Janine E. Janosky, PhD ii Synopsis  Objective. This article offers a practical assessment of the cost implications of an outright total ban on amalgam use as well as a partial ban in children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age. In addition, we discuss trends in amalgam use and the [...]

 Dental Amalgam Tənzimləmə İqtisadiyyatı 2018-01-19T16:12:39-05:00

FDA Dental Heyəti Amalgam-da "Ağ Kağız"

This is the famous "White Paper" presented by the FDA dental division staff to the Scientific Advisory Panel in September, 2006, purporting to represent the available scientific literature on mercury exposure from amalgam dental fillings, and which supported the notion of amalgam safety. The panel ultimately voted 13-7 to reject the idea that the literature [...]

FDA Dental Heyəti Amalgam-da "Ağ Kağız"2018-01-19T15:57:25-05:00

ÜST 2005 Hesabatı: Sağlamlıqda Merkuri

Despite claims to the contrary by defenders of amalgam, the official position of the World Health Organization remains that of the 1991 conference: dental amalgam is the greatest source of inorganic mercury for the general population, outside of industrial exposures. Attached is a two page report published by the WHO Department of Protection of the [...]

ÜST 2005 Hesabatı: Sağlamlıqda Merkuri2018-01-19T15:56:05-05:00

İsveç Hökuməti, 2003-cü il Dental Amalgam Hesabatı

Professor Maths Berlin, advisor to the IAOMT Scientific Advisory Board, reporting to the Swedish government on published research from 1997 to 2002, concludes, "the margin of safety... is not there." View Article: Swedish Government 2003 Report on Dental Amalgam

İsveç Hökuməti, 2003-cü il Dental Amalgam Hesabatı2018-01-19T15:53:58-05:00

Diş Merkuri

IAOMT, burada kataloğa yazılmış məqalələrə əlavə olaraq, diş civəsi ilə bağlı digər materiallara da malikdir. Əlavə məqalələrə daxil olmaq üçün aşağıdakı düyməni vurun. Əlavə Merkuri Məqalələri

Diş Merkuri2018-01-19T13:54:00-05:00
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